SFWA qualifications

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    • #5270

      Hi everyone! I’m just curious – how close are we to being qualified as an SFWA pro site? I gather that we have to have had the right pay rate and subscriber numbers for one year in order to qualify, but I’m not sure how close we are to that goal, nor what year(s) will probably qualify after we get there. I would love to learn more. Thanks!

    • #5271

      I’m not sure but I’d love to know as well!

    • #5641

      Hey! I know this is super late, but in case anyone was still wondering, Fran told me on August 1 that we’ve had all the necessary SFWA qualifications since the beginning of 2016, except for the number of viewers. Our number of viewers doesn’t fit the qualifying ratio used by the SFWA, even though thousands of people have accessed the magazine. It’s not as simple as hitting 1000 viewers, I guess, because of how they choose to calculate the ratio of stories published per time period. 2017 might end up qualifying, but apparently it’s hard to tell right now because it’s about the math of the ratio and not just the number of viewers. Fran said, “Once we qualify, then all stories we publish from the beginning of the qualifying period will count towards a writer’s SFWA qualification.”

      The bottom line is that we should all do our best to get more subscribers on board!

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