∼ Our Team ∼
Editor-in-Chief: Fran Eisemann
editor at cosmicrootsandeldritchshores dot com
Asimov’s Essays, with commentary by Michael Burstein
Kepler’s Somnium
Surely You’re Joking…
Inspiring Stuff
Serials Are Good for You
Science News and Information – articles by Douglas Dluzen
Assistant Editor:
Wayne Martin — Grew up in Southern New Jersey; Started racing small sailboats at age 8; B.A. in Physics and Mathematics, and an M.S. and a Ph.D. in Physical Oceanography; Developed technologies for various military projects for twenty years; Consulted for a decade on the transition of technology from early stages to higher maturity; Now transitioning to writing full time, living in Annapolis MD with two dogs and a wife; Still racing sailboats (somewhat larger ones)
First Readers:.
Douglas Dluzen — During the day Douglas is a geneticist and studies the genetic factors of aging and age-related disease. He also examines biological risk factors that contribute to health disparities in the US. At night, Douglas writes science fiction short stories and novels. He lives in Baltimore with his wife, dog, cat, and dreams of becoming a full-time teaching faculty to teach science. His blog on science and writing is called Following the Ripples in Time and he can be found on Twitter at @ripplesintime24.
Lee Melling — Lee currently lives in the East of England, UK, and has moved around the country. He has a BA in English and Philosophy, and another in Law. When not reading, writing or being emotionally blackmailed by his elongated hound for treats, he works for a legal charity that supports victims of crime.
Eric Fromley — Eric S. Fromley is the editor of Martian Magazine and the Timeshift and Drabbledark anthologies.
His work has appeared in various venues and can be found on his website ericfomley.com. He is also on Twitter @PrinceGrimdark.
Cory Daignault is a science fiction author and Orisa main, however until his literary/Overwatch career takes off, he is content to practice nuclear radiology. He completed a residency in diagnostic radiology at the University of Minnesota and a fellowship in nuclear radiology at Massachusetts General Hospital.
He is actively seeking representation for his first sci-fi novel Stichomancy. You can visit him at www.corydaignault.com or on twitter at: @corydaignault
.Gideon P Smith – Gideon is a scientist, nerd, part-time writer of science fiction and fantasy, and a first-generation college graduate with two science doctorates. Originally from the UK, but currently working in the US, Gideon has written on the craft of writing for the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association, The British Science Fiction Association’s Focus Magazine, Dan Koboldt’s Science in SciFi and Fact in Fantasy series. Their short fiction has appeared in a number of anthologies, including ones from Black Hare Press, Shacklebound, Wyldblood, and Fairfield Scribes. They were also a NESFA short story competition finalist. For more visit www.gideonpsmith.com or follow on Twitter @gideonpsmith
Gideon also reads for fantasy.
Charles Botsford, P.E., M.S., Chemical Engineering, is a professional chemical engineer (California) with 30 years’ experience in program and project management, EV charging infrastructure, energy storage, and environmental management. He participates in the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) J3072 AC Vehicle-to-Grid, J3271 Megawatt Charging System, and J3400 NACS (Tesla standard) standards committees. Mr. Botsford holds BS and MS degrees in chemical engineering, has worked in oil refining, engineering design and construction, boiler manufacturing, environmental consulting, and aerospace, and has more than 40 technical publications. He now consults in EV charging infrastructure, energy storage, and vehicle-grid integration, and has been the project manager for the West Coast Electric Highway of EV charging stations in Oregon and Washington since 2011.
Charles is also a writer, artist, and musician. He writes science fiction novels and short stories, carves rock and wood, and plays French horn, trumpet, and didgeridoo. He has run the LA Marathon five times and is an Eagle Scout.
Russ Colson is a scientist, teacher, author, and gardener living in northwest Minnesota, far enough from city lights to see the Milky Way and the Aurora Borealis. He writes contemplative and optimistic science fiction with adventure, touches of romance, and a helping of real science. He is a professor emeritus at Minnesota State University Moorhead, a former national professor of the year, author of the science fiction novel The Arasmith Certainty Principle (Chanticleer International Book Award 1rst Place Category Winner, Double Dragon Publishing, 2018), and coauthor of the science education book Learning to Read the Earth and Sky (NSTA Press, 2016). He has written several thoughtful short stories published in Cast of Wonders, Neo-Opsis Science Fiction Magazine, Interzone, Stupefying Stories, Abyss and Apex, and others. He previously worked at the Johnson Space Center in Texas and at Washington University in St. Louis where, among other things, he studied how a lunar colony might mine oxygen from the local rock. russcolson.com.
This former first reader is no longer with us, but Warren was a wonderful person. We were lucky to have him with us:
Warren Brown — Warren Brown lives with his wife, L.L. Brown in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He has published stories in Omni, The Best of Omni Fiction, The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, After Hours, Amazing Stories, Tomorrow, The Book of All Flesh (with L. L. Brown), The Best of All Flesh (with L.L. Brown), scifidimensions.com and other venues. His novel, What Happened in Fool the Eye, is available at Amazon.com.
He has also published poetry in Nimrod, This Land, and other little magazines. His stories, “What We Did That Night in the Ruins,” “Mayfly Night,” and “Sifting out The Hearts of Men” (with L. L. Brown) received honorable mentions in anthologies of the year’s best science fiction and the year’s best horror. http://warrenbrown.synthasite.com
– Fantasy
Fantasy Editor:
Joel Roosa — Joel has been reading since age three, but nobody still alive can verify that, including himself. He definitely read sci-fi/fantasy starting at age five and has never stopped, except for those times he tries to write it. And while driving. A child of the sixties, he frequently laments the death of Saturday morning cartoons. Out loud, to any who will listen. Joel has been in publishing much of his life, mostly in the warehouses. He, his wife, and their two children call Pennsylvania home. Some of his short fiction has been seen in this very magazine. His other short stories have appeared in various anthologies, and his series of “AllWorlds” novels is currently being produced by White Cat Publications. You can find the first book in his series Here.
When asked for bio update or suggestions he said: “No pictures or bio updates until my latest genetic mutation stabilizes. I’m hoping for energy-beam eyes this time. My only suggestion is for caffeine-infused drinks transmitted via wi-fi.” Well, there is now a picture so we guess his latest genetic mutation has indeed stabilized. We’re still working on the caffeine-infused drinks via wi-fi
fantasyeditor1 at cosmicrootsandeldritchshores dot com
Consulting Editor: Casey Laine — Descended from a long line of word-wise women, Casey has channeled a verbal abundance in a number of ways, from tutoring in academic writing, teaching French and ESL, and working at a large metropolitan library, to journaling, poetry, and an epic fantasy novel. In addition to editing for Cosmic Roots and Eldritch Shores, she curates, edits, and publishes an annual anthology available on Amazon of poetry and stories from her online writing group. Other interests include gardening, naturalism, and amateur photography, with a specialization in butterflies. You can find her at fantasyeditor at cosmicrootsandeldritchshores dot com, and https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100011106735638 and https://www.amazon.com/Casey-Laine/e/B07FLDCRFT.
Assistant editor:
.Keira Reynolds (she / her) writes short stories. Mostly fantasy. Mostly. A former software developer, she recently achieved a BA in Arts and Humanities, with specialisms in Creative Writing and Classical Studies, from the Open University. She and her wife Julie live in County Kerry, Ireland, from whence they escape to warmer, drier places at every opportunity. She has had stories (and one poem) published in various magazines and anthologies. She occasionally posts random thoughts on her blog at https://keirareynolds.com
First Readers:
Sarah Moola
Innocent Ilo — Innocent loves cats because y’all made dragons go extinct.
In between receiving tonnes of rejections from cat-adoption agencies, Innocent still finds time to read, write, tweet and massage his fragile ego. He is twenty years old and lives in Nigeria


Asch is an English teacher at a public school who reads mostly for fantasy but also dabbles in science fiction, which coincides with what she writes. Her illustrated poetry book, Tell Me A Tale, explores adventures in teaching with limb deficiencies and, of course, the power of story. Her most recent fiction appeared in Wild Hunt: Stories of the Chase anthology. When not teaching or writing, she’s romping her characters, Elvish warlock Aliondara (call me ‘Al’) Moonsong and bardic gnome Gnoit (The Poet) Silklips through the D & D universe.
She also reads for the Science Fiction department.
Ekpeki Oghenechovwe Donald is no longer a reader with us, and his bio is now updated with many writing and editing and award accomplishments. His old bio read: He is an avid reader and writer who was weaned on books and grew up on a steady diet of fiction, mainly fantasy novels. His written works have been published in several literary magazines and websites at home and abroad. He has also been nominated for and won a few literary prizes. His unwritten works have enjoyed massive fame and international success, in his head. More could be said but to reveal too much of the future before it happens might mess up the timeline. Understand? ☺
– Myths, Legends, and Fairy Tales
Editor: Leena Naidoo — writes cross-genre suspense, romance and dabbles in sci-fi/fantasy. She also reads the tarot. Her short stories have appeared in Mad Scientist Journal, _SciPhi Journal, and Cosmic Roots and Eldritch Shores. She now writes episodic fiction, Quest For The Wholly Pale, for Fiction Vortex. Find her work at Smashwords iTunes, B&N, Fiction Vortex and other eBook outlets. Her books include Settle Down Now and Here Be Monsters. She wanted to be a witch when she was little, but decided to be a writer instead. She loves blogging about totally random things at www.leennanaidoo.wordpress dot com and www.leennascreativebox.wordpress dot com.
Consulting editor: Doc Finegold — A.K.A. Robert B Finegold MD is a recently retired radiologist, a former major in the U.S. Army, and the current editor of Myths, Legends, and Fairy Tales for the e-zine Cosmic Roots and Eldritch Shores. His stories of science fiction, fantasy, and Yiddishkeit have appeared in magazines, e-zines, and anthologies since July 2015. Doc edited 3rd and Starlight [Future Finalists Publishing, NOV 2017], an anthology of stories by authors who have won or been finalists in the LRH Writers of the Future contest (see our interview with the good doctor). He resides in Maine. Find his musings at robertbfinegold dot com, on Twitter at @DocHistory, and on Facebook at Robert B Finegold’s Kvells and Kvetchings.
In his editorial role you can reach him at myths_legends_ft_rf at cosmicrootsandeldritchshores dot com
Assistant editor:
AJ Cunder — A medievalist, a type 1 diabetic, and a cyber crime investigator, A.J. graduated from Seton Hall University with a Master’s in Creative Writing. His work appears in Mysterion Online, Fractured Lit, and The Modern Deity’s Guide to Surviving Humanity, among other publications. Hobbies include collecting medieval swords, playing the piano, and spoiling his husky (when he isn’t reading or writing). In addition to his work at CR&ES, he also serves as a Jr Editor with Flash Fiction Online and on the editorial staff of Metaphorosis Magazine.
Find him on Twitter @aj_cunder, or online at www.WrestlingTheDragon.com.
First Readers:
Rebecca Glazer writes stories inspired by Jewish folklore that blur the line between fiction and fantasy to bring magic and mysticism back into the modern Jewish diaspora. Her MFA thesis novel, a contemporary fantasy rooted in Ashkenazi folk magic, took her to Prague in late 2019. When she’s not writing, you can find her perfecting her six-strand challah braid, hiking in the Rocky Mountains, and cooking with lots and lots of garlic.
She blogs online at rebeccaglazer.com and is active (to varying degrees) on social media at @glazerdonut.
John Baumgartner is a retired engineer and an autodidact at writing fiction as a side income. I grew up with the Space Opera, Sword and Sorcery genres, with the ‘hard, serious’ stuff always and still in second place. I was an RPG Gamer, and after retirement, I began writing FanFic prose and poetry for Fallout and Elder Scrolls games as a hobby for several years on gamer and game modifying sites. Since then, I’ve decided to roll my own rather than riff on the talents and work of the talented game design teams at Bethesda, Interplay, and Obsidian. Becoming a reader on Critters and here at Cosmic Roots and Eldritch Shores is part of my self-taught education.
– Eldritch
Assistant Editor:
Tara Grímravn — Always up for new experiences, Tara has been an opera singer, a park ranger, a freelance editor, and geek culture journalist, among other things. Currently, she is quite literally squeaking her way through as a novice violinist. As a writer, Tara has had a few articles, short stories, and poetry published in online magazines like Medium, The Magikal Rite and Creepypasta, as well as a few scholarly articles in places such as The True North, a small publication published by the Denali Institute of Northern Traditions. Currently, Tara serves as a staff reviewer for Tangent Online where she crafts reviews on speculative fiction (but now no longer reviews CRES stories). She also occasionally reviews dark fantasy and horror independently on her blog at www.taragrimravn.com. Tara earned an MFA in Creative Writing in 2019 and can be found regularly messing about on Twitter (@taragrimravn).
First Readers:
Chris Yona — Leased by two small children, Chris ‘Kit’ Yona writes in the scant few minutes when he isn’t running the family business, freelance editing/writing, playing hockey, or training in martial arts.
His short work has appeared in Stupefying Stories, Mythic Magazine, Femme Actuelle, One Sentence Story Anthology, Zathom, and the Amazon #1 bestselling anthology Machine of Death. He can be found at https://www.facebook.com/chris.yona and http://thekitastrophe.blogspot dot com/
Dr. George Guthridge has twice been internationally lauded for his work on indigenous cognition and for his successes teaching Alaska Native youth. He has taught writing and writing pedagogy full-time for 48 years, including 39 on the university level. In 1994 he was named as one of the top 78 teachers in America. He has sold six novels and about 70 stories, including 22 to Amazing, Analog, Asimov’s, and F&SF, and has twice been a Nebula finalist and once a Hugo finalist. He and coauthor Janet Berliner won the Bram Stoker Award for the year’s best horror novel. Dr. G is from rural Alaska. Now retired, he divides his time between rural Thailand and the cow country of Mangum, Oklahoma. “I’m a cowboy at heart,” he says, “but I can’t rope, ride, or shoot.”
Former eldritch editors. Thank you for your time with us:
Ien Nivens — Our first eldritch editor!
for several years Aaron Gudmunson helped us find those elusive eldritch stories — Aaron Gudmunson is the author of the novels Snow Globe, The Slingerman, and Emma Tremendous (as A.D. Goodman) and the collection From the Dusklands. His short fiction and essays have appeared in numerous publications, including Apex, Dark Moon Digest, and Dead Harvest.
Aaron lives in the Chicagoland area but can more easily be found online at his blog or follow him on Twitter
Podcast Crew:
Lauren Jane Delaney, A.K.A. Lord Vetinari — Narrator
Emily Rose — videographer, video editor
Graphic Novels and Stories Editor ((…..))
For Young People of All Ages
A Day in the Life of…
Science Editor: Douglas Dluzen — Doug writes our Science News and Information column, and is also one of our first readers for science fiction. During the day Douglas is a geneticist and studies the genetic factors of aging and age-related disease. He also examines biological risk factors that contribute to health disparities in the US. At night, Douglas writes science fiction short stories and novels. He lives in Baltimore with his wife, dog, cat, and dreams of becoming a full-time teaching faculty to teach science . His blog on science and writing is called Following the Ripples in Time and he can be found on Twitter at @ripplesintime24. scienceeditor at cosmicrootsandeldritchshores dot com
Science Articles (young people of all ages): Contributing Editor: John Eckelkamp
Events & Cosplay
Writing Tutorials: — Joseph Blake Parker
Art Tutorials:
»» Publicity ««
Shane Thomas was our publicist for a brief time — S Shane Thomas has fond childhood memories of creeping out of bed to watch anime until the sun came up. He has fond adult memories of creeping out of bed to write the Anki Legacies Adventures and create the Science Fantasy Hub until the sun came up. He road trips, hikes, and hangs with his wife and sons after the sun comes up.
Mail List: Http://eepurl.com/cQc861
Website: https://www.LARC-SciFi.com
FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/larc1scifi
VFC Booth: https://www.facebook.com/events/169604090258537/
⇒ Tech Support
Glenn Lyvers at Prolific Press — Thank you Glenn, for all the tech support over all the years since we started.